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Instructions - how to fill out the generator form.

An accessibility declaration is a description of the accessibility of a public entity for people with disabilities. It informs these individuals about solutions as well as problems they may encounter on the website, in mobile applications, and in the buildings of the given public entity.

As of September 23, 2020, such a declaration is mandatory for every website, and from June 23, 2021, for every mobile application that belongs to a public entity. This requirement stems from the Act of April 4, 2019, on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities.

The declaration describes the state of accessibility. Even if the website is inaccessible, it must have a fully accessible declaration that describes this condition.

The accessibility declaration generator is a free tool made in accordance with the guidelines contained in the document on the technical conditions and structure of the electronic document developed by the Ministry of Digital Affairs. By filling out the form below, you are guaranteed to receive a document that meets the accessibility standards of WCAG 2.1.

Website Accessibility Declaration Generator

Fill out all fields and generate the document in PDF and HTML formats. You will receive all links directly via email.

Entity and Site Data

Statement — Compliance Status

Non-Compliant Contents


Preparation of the Declaration

Feedback and Contact Information

Architectural Accessibility

Enter information about the architectural adjustments of your institution's building, such as:

  • Description of the accessibility of the building entrance and moving through control areas. - Description of the accessibility of corridors, stairs, and elevators.
  • Description of adjustments, for example, ramps, platforms, voice information, induction loops.
  • Information about the location and how to use parking spaces designated for disabled persons.
  • Information about the right of entry with an assistance dog and any justified restrictions.
  • Information on the possibility of using a sign language interpreter on-site or online.

If there is no such possibility, this information should also be included.